Imagine life without a home

For thousands of children in Nakuru, Kenya,
this is their reality.

How You Can Help

SCANAO projects that need your help

School Building Project

November 2023, SCANAO wants to begin building an elementary school to educate children at our facility and living in the impoverished communities surrounding us. Donors collaborating on this project allow us to transform many young lives with Bible studies, school education up to grade 8, along with trade schooling for career progression.

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Room & Board Project

Kenya has over 300,000 homeless children on the street. At present, SCANAO is limited to helping 250 children and teenagers among the thousands who have lost one or both parents. SCANAO is asking sponsors like you to help house, feed, and educate more “street children” for a better future in Kenya. Your generosity will extend room, board, and love to incoming orphans.

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Live from SCANAO


God blessed Kenya

God blessed Kenya. Of all the countries on earth, Kenya is known for its wonderful diversity in nature. But…

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SCAN Adventist Orphanage Kenya

Four ways you can give to SCANAO

“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

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SCAN Adventist Orphanage Kenya - SCANAO

Volunteering at SCANAO

A breakdown for local and international volunteers.

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Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the hands of Jesus and the heart of our God to the children of His heritage. We will start in Nakuru and watch our King spread his hand of mercy over Kenya. With the generosity of our donors, we will spread the means of room, board, and education to orphans, half-orphans, and street children. By growing our SCANAO family, we aim to encourage and completely change the lives of the street children of Nakuru.

SCAN Adventist Orphanage Kenya

Our Latest addition to the family

Just imagine you’re walking on the streets of Nakuru, Kenya, and there are all types of noises all around: honking cars, voices of people shouting or talking against the din of dropping dishes, and even rodents scrambling through garbage. While you picture this image, adjust to the fact that you’re only 14 years old. Instead of being in a warm home and having dinner with the anticipation of going to school the next day, you are figuring out the streets with no option but the floor for a bed.

Before SCANAO took Charles from the streets of Nakuru, this was his story. Charles is in the seventh grade and comes from a family too poor to take care of him. Many children like Charles end up on the streets of Nakuru because either their parents have died or they are suffering abuse.

SCANAO is always willing to take care of them, as this is a service to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. As He said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40 Will you join us? Give today.

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