Four ways you can give to SCANAO



It is estimated there are around 250,000-300,000 street children in Kenya, around half of them aged between 11 to 15 years old.

  1. Pray for us: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of…” (Alfred Lord Tennyson). We do this work of care alongside the Holy Spirit and the angels. The more people pray, the closer this work resembles Christ’s will and the bigger it grows in righteousness. Why pray? The greater issue is the broken family structure in Kenya, a spiritual problem that can only be healed by our Savior. Please pray for us, pray for the children and pray for Kenya.
SCAN Adventist Orphanage Kenya
SCAN Adventist Orphanage Children Family
  1. Donate by making a financial contribution: You can securely donate a financial gift online to our projects or where the need is most. Throughout this website are donate buttons you can use to transfer your financial gifts or you can send checks to (SCANAO) Street Children Assistance of Nakuru Adventist Orphanage.

“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

― Luke 6:38

  1. Sponsor a child: You can choose a child that you want to personally sponsor. We will update you periodically, and if you choose, you may write or email your child personally. An orphan has no parent, so this is special. You may even wish to sponsor the family unit in general. This is just as effective, and we will consider a child “sponsored” equally this way.
    • It costs about $120 a month to pay for all the needs of each child. Thus far the church’s donation only covers our administrative costs. So every penny that donors give is spent on the daily needs of these children, like food, clothes, books and health.
SCAN Adventist Orphanage Kenya
Sponsored children at SCANAO
  1. Volunteer: There are many ways you can be hands-on. Children will benefit from donations, but they will thrive with loving care and attention. Positions of service include:
    • Helping out when staff at the orphanage need a break (office work, cooking, etc.)
    • Assisting in construction on our building projects and establishing new programs
    • Teaching English, math, Bible study, science, career trades, and mentoring
    • Photography, videography, and marketing for the orphanage
    • Prayer, evangelism, and helping with tent crusades
    • Behavior therapy and public health


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